Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Ok so I realize it's been over a month since I posted and competed in my first fitness competition with the WBFF but I was actually tracking my journey. I haven't made the time to sit down and edit so at this point I will just publish.  Between traveling from California and Vegas for work and competing in Connecticut and Quebec two weeks apart, I have had my plate full.  When I had extra time to write, it would be in an airport where I would be returning calls and running towards my flight. The end of the day after working out, working and cooking wasn't really an option because sleep would take precedence.  I now have more proof of my journey and unforgettable adventure over the last 5 months.

APRIL 26, 2012

So I'm doing the exact opposite!!!!!! Still blogging and even better, I'm TRYING AGAIN!

I guess I should start with my journey 2 weeks ago to Connecticut and my first fitness competition with the WBFF.  It was an awesome experience that I've been wanting to write about yet have been traveling and working over the last 2 weeks.  I haven't found the time to sit down more than 5 minutes. I have time now as I sit in the airport in Philly on my layover to Quebec........Why Quebec? Well it just so happens there is another competition this weekend I've decided to play in with my TBA teammates.  (I also won't mention that I,as well as another teammate, booked our airline tickets into Quebec City which was 6 hours driving time from the show while others flew into Ottawa....Shows you how much I know about Canada although I do know they speak French. At least I wasn't alone when I realized in Philly on my layover that our hotel was nowhere near our airport when I googled it. Thank goodness the US Airways staff was more than willing to help.......My teammate realized a little too late and couldn't change destinations so her and her hubby had to make the drive. These are the little things that happen to me often that make me laugh. I mean the worst that could happen was renting a car and driving so there was no reason to get upset. Just shows me I should do my research!!)

My first competition was amazing and a little stressful at the same time. I had to worry about my theme wear, beautiful and unique angel wings, getting delivered to the hotel. Before I left home, my suit designer informed me that my suit would have to be picked up in Connecticut. There were a few glitches with my suit when I arrived for my fitting but it eventually worked out.  I spent Thursday and Friday running last minute errands and getting some gear for my photo shoot after the competition on that following Sunday.

Most of the team arrived Thursday afternoon or evening where we met for dinner at Ruth Chris. Coach Doug took me and my PIC (partner in crime) Aundrea to the bathroom in the restaurant to inspect our bodies.  This was critical so he knew what we needed to change on our diet and water intake. We were both granted steak and a few bites of potato that night so that made us HAPPY!!

Friday afternoon, I met Coach for a quick "Pump" session which lasted under 15 minutes. It was amazing how weak I was after not working out all week and sticking to the Hell Week diet. I could barely lift half of what I was used to and was winded after a minute on the treadmill.  So of course I have to know the exact reason for this and constantly was asking "Why" to every change Coach gave me.  Coach explained the build up of lactic acid from my few days of not working out, which was only done under his strict orders.  Later, TBA ladies met up for dinner at the hotel where Coach Doug ordered our pre game meal.  I was instructed to eat pepperoni pizza and wine. Really??  I have been craving this for four months but was having an issue ordering it.  I was concerned what effect the dairy would do to me since it had been so long. Karen instructed me to follow orders and grub away which I gladly did.  Later that evening, Coach inspected my body again and decided I was looking too lean and needed to add a little love to my body before showtime.  We headed directly to the bar and ordered a burger, bun and all. I have to say I was loving this show prep menu.  

Saturday started at 5am with another spray tan and then hair and makeup. Although the competition didn't start until 10ish, we had to be backstage by 9am to practice.  It was amazing to be backstage with all the girls glamming up and pumping up while practicing their sass.  I was a little thrown off that we had to start the show with our theme wear because I still didn't feel comfortable with my wings. Talk about throwing me to the wolves. First time on stage, I was rolling out with huge wings trying to look natural and sassy. Once I hit the stage, all my butterflies disappeared and I caught the eyes of my team in the audience.  For those of you that don't know, you walk on stage do a little walk and posing and line up at the back of the stage with the other contestants.  Once everyone is lined up, the judges then call you to the front of the stage to pose off and act pretty but I ran into a little glitch. My wings were so big that I was getting blocked out by the girls beside me.  It was comical the effort I was trying to make to get around these ladies as well as them fighting to be seen around the wings.  Once I walked off, I realized that the wings may be GORGEOUS but they also could have hurt me since some of the judges couldn't see me.  However, I didn't let that stand in my way. I strutted back out for the bikini segment with pride and confidence.  

SIDE NOTE BTW.... Seeing girls backstage is hilarious in it's on right. Everyone is so pretty, greasy while smelling so bad.  Yes WE STINK! Most girls took a shower the afternoon before and have been sprayed a few times with that delicious smelling orange stuff that allows no deodorant.  

Anyway, it all worked out. I made TOP 10, which I was ecstatic about because that was a great accomplishment with that many gorgeous ladies and my first show. I probably wouldn't have made it if not for the beautiful contestant Sara Love, directly to my left, in the morning and evening competition. I asked her kindly backstage at the evening show if she would help me remove my wings before the judges called us to the front of the stage. This way I could be seen and I wouldn't have to knock her off the stage in the process of trying to be seen.  It was a win win.  I'm guessing that bolted me up since some of the judges finally got a peak at the girl and not the wings.  So why am I trying it again?????? I mentioned SATISFACTION in my last few blogs. Well I can't give you my exact definition but I know it wasn't obtained.  I wasn't heartbroken or destroyed I didn't win. It was all about the experience and journey. I'm a natural competitor so therefore it's just in my DNA to want to fight the fight again.  I've worked so hard and for so many months that I can rationalize another 2 weeks diet and prep to go again. This time it will be different. I'm going in with a different attitude and perspective. As a competitor, I want to win but as ME......I just want to have fun. That's what this has become.  I look forward to posting hopefully a lot sooner than this recap. I won't have a phone backstage so hopefully there are some other people tracking our day.  BTW roaming rates in Canada are ridiculous so I'm just keeping the phone off.

I guess next up...........What I learned from my journey, what's next and why I started this addicting adventure and challenge!

That's what learning is, after all;  not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we've changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning.
-Richard Brach

Theme Wear Round! Those damn wings!!!Beautiful yet complicated......

 Backstage practicing with those damn wings before I set foot on stage for the first time ever!

 My Fitness Atlantic TBA teammates before registration

Everyone knows this guy.....BRING IT!! Me and Tony Horton

 Me and My PIC (Partner in Crime) Aundrea A

 Photo Shoot with Lhgfx and Hair/Makeup Phenom Elise Firestone

Me and My PIC again practicing our kissy face

 Morning after comp, Elise doing my hair and makeup!

 TBA girls Jen Clark and Aundrea Annin

 TBA teammates and now WBFF Pro Kelly Smith, Aundrea Annin, Alicia Haraksin
 Me and the beautiful Lindsay Messina
 My fierce competition on stage in themewear.........Sara had already helped me remove the wings hence she's still on stage!:)

Me and Elise in touch up time during shoot

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I'm hoping to find out in 10 days but I already know the answer.......Maybe I should define SATISFACTION to myself. Maybe later!

Whew.......it's been a very very busy last two weeks. I'm fortunate enough to be awake now on the flight home. Now it's time to track my journey after a very long cross country flight from New York back to Sacramento. As soon as I step off the plane, I will be in rush mode to get home, change, grab my suit and props and hit the gym to see Coach Doug and my teammates. Hopefully Coach will hit my legs pretty hard today because as usual.......I'm still working on the booty!  I'm excited to be back and into my routine although it will be short-lived with just 8 days until I leave again for my journey to Connecticut for my first WBFF Fitness Modeling Competition.  
Last Thursday, I flew out to New York to meet with Lindsay Messina, a living fitness model legend/strut guru, and her NY DIVAS for a SASS and CLASS workshop. I was so excited to meet all of these ladies and TBA teammates that I've read so much about, studied, Facebook stalked, idolized and been inspired by daily.

The Saturday workshop started off with a killer hour plyo/cardio/booty burning workout of about 35 girls.  There was such a great energy and sense of empowerment from every single lady in the room.  We were able to squeeze in brief conversations between breaths and cheering each other on with every suicide/burpie combo.  It was great talking to these ladies and learning their stories, when they were competing, diets, workouts, struggles, strengths, experience and hobbies other than competing and fitness.....obviously everyone's common ground that was in that room.  After our sweat session, it was time to throw on our "Cinderella Shoes" and strut attire so we could start to perfect our Sassy Strut.  It was such a learning experience seeing what each lady put into their pose and physique.  I walked away at the end of the day with a new perspective on my stage presence and walk.  It's actually a lot harder than one would think but eventually it has to come naturally so your confidence can shine on stage. I am now and will be practicing this daily until my competition.  My friend said the same thing I did many moons ago, "I mean it's walking, how hard can it be. You do it every day." Then I showed the video of all the things that go into stage presence and her opinion changed just as mine had when I started studying the ART OF THE SASSY SWAG.

I was able to visit with my BFF Allyson while in NYC and she was kind enough to let me use her kitchen to cook all my meals. I think she was a little shocked at the process along with frightened for her countertops. She knows I'm not the tidiest in the kitchen so she took care of cover the entire countertops anytime I came near the kitchen. It was comical. I introduced her to protein pancakes and she fell in love with them just as I did when I first discovered the deceptively tasty and healthy meal. Seriously, I dream about them and it's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning........and godiva chocolate coffee.

One thing I constantly preach on is being prepared and the closer I get to this competition the more my brain is in overdrive. I just forget everything.  Last week was a crazy week for me. As I mentioned earlier, the stars have started to align on various things in my life all in a very positive manner.  However, like any other competitor this close to showtime, many things fall on the back burner so I'm trying to find a healthy balance although my main focus has been staying prepared and on top of competition issues.........my suit, my sports wear, my strut/swagger, my diet, my sleep, my workouts and cardio sessions.  I do feel overwhelmed at times but take deep breaths and refocus on THE LIST.

As for diet and workouts, things are staying the same for the most part over the last 2 weeks. Coach Doug did increase my carbs which made me SUPER HAPPY! He thought I would argue but I trust his Method to the Madness. Coach also told me he would prefer I don't do cardio at this point so I don't burn muscle but he realized he was asking the impossible and told me just power walk up some hills if I could control myself.  For the most part, I listened.

Now some might call my actions last week Dieter Brain, I don't know if I can claim it since I'm not carb deprived but I will roll with it. I spent the entire week just being a HOT MESS. I was constantly in a rush to make any appointment I had scheduled and I officially diagnosed myself with CRS (Can't Remember Sh*t). I managed to back into the garage door while pulling out ........How does that happen one might ask? I swear I opened the door from the garage but I'm blaming this on my purse. I threw my purse in the car, it obviously attacked the garage door opener and down it went as I was backing out. You would think the excessive and neurotic beeping of the backup camera would have clued me in but NAH!! Then I was trapped in the garage because the metal track was driven into the wall causing a few other issues. Nothing a few $$$$$ later can't fix. Then I spent all night Tuesday cooking for my Wed and Thurs. travel days only to forget the food on the counter when I left for the airport.......The topping, leaving my favorite leather jacket and scarf on the plane in Chicago when I changed planes to NYC. We weren't supposed to change planes. How was I to remember??? Well I made due with the food. I ordered extra food for dinner when I got to Vegas so I would have food for my journey to NYC the next day and of course I cooked at my friends house while I was there.

So all and all things are GREAT! I'm now 8 days out and in Vegas for a quick trip. It obviously took me 2 days to get back in front of the computer from when I started this. I managed to bring my food for all day Thursday and Friday and I'm headed back to Cali tomorrow so I should be good. I will even squeeze in a light workout tomorrow......today is too busy. Coach said I don't need cardio so I don't feel that guilty about being too busy to do it, however I do need it for my brain to relax. I feel a serious sweat session tomorrow.

I look forward to slowing down a bit and reflecting on the process of my journey. It's really been an eye opener on so many levels that I honestly never considered. Hopefully in 10 days, after the competition and food coma, I can answer the question.........

Is Satisfaction the Death of Desire??

Sunday, March 18, 2012


A friend called and requested that I post my exact workout schedule for this past week. She was determined to attempt a replication this coming week. I told her to play on! I can't wait to hear if she accomplishes this goal. I did let her know it was a light week for me. After reading my week, I realize she might think I'm crazy........

I also drug along a new workout buddy this week, Lindsey.  She is in nursing school and extremely busy but realizes she has to make time for fitness instead of making time for excuses. I had her attend "Hell Week" with me Monday-Wednesday and she hung in smiling the entire time. She might have been a little sore at the end of the week but she never said no or complained.  I was also able to help her with a goal, accountability and a plan.  So far, so good. Lindsey is texting me her progress daily which is holding her accountable. I love it!


Took Lindsey to an 1 hr 20 min. workout with my team and Coach.  I knew she would be inspired and encouraged after meeting a few ladies on the team and that was exactly the response I received after our first workout. Lindsey loved the workout as it was something she had never done before and loved the encouragement a group of girls can give.
Later that day, I headed out for an hour run.  It was going to be raining the rest of the week so I knew it would probably be the only day this week I could run outside. I initially told myself I would do 30-45 minutes because I was so tired but once I hit the pavement, the endorphins kicked in and I extended my run.


Lindsey and I participated in a Kickboxing class with my friend Neda for an hour then headed to the gym for more functional training with my teammates.  I was pulled aside to focus on building the booty since my competition is coming up next month.  Here is a video of the fun. You can see Lindsey and the rest of the girls in the background with their grueling workout.

I made it to the gym later to do a quick 45 minutes on the stair mill that night. I didn't force Lindsey because I knew her body was tired and 2 hours in one day was enough for a beginner!


I met Lindsey at the gym to take a class called RIPPED which involved weights, plyo, cardio and abs.  After the hour class, I put Lindsey on the elliptical for 45 minutes and I got on the stair mill for 50.  She didn't complain or quit early as she had homework to do, she just did it. I was super proud.  Later that night, I attended a 50 minute kickboxing class at a local boxing studio.  All of this may seem excessive, but to me it seemed like lighter cardio than I'm used to........at least lighter impact I guess.


 Lindsey had to leave town to go back to class but not without instructions and a plan.  I gave her Thursday off because she worked so hard the last 3 days and I knew her body and mind was tired.  She also had a very long day of school on Thursday but she still had homework from me.  Although it was her day off, I requested she did 10 rounds of 10 push ups, sit ups and dips every day for 1 week and then we would increase. I also gave her some nutrition advice and asked her to check in daily.  Friday she needed to be back at it on the cardio.  1 hour a day 6 days a week with her 10x workout daily.
As for me, I headed to kickboxing to meet up with Neda and then to the gym to meet up with some teammates.  Even though it was our day off (meaning do cardio) from Coach, we decided to meet up and do some extra credit.  Our workout consisted of 50 jumping jacks with lateral raise (3-5lb weights in hand), 50 jumping jacks front raise with weights, 20 jump pull ups and repeat 6 times.  Then we did some running ladder work for agility and kettle bell swings with leap frog, I had an 18lb weight.  Me, Emme and Jess W finished off with abs.  Later that day, I made it to the stair mill for a 45 min. session.


My neighbor Dawn and I headed out for an earlier morning workout being we had things to accomplish during our regular workout hours.  Dawn and I met Emme, Erin and Shannon at the gym for a "Dysfunctional Friday" workout consisting of skipping lunges, lungs with shoulder press, side walking squats with shoulder work and balance/back work with lighter weights. I will admit the weather made me lazy because it was pouring rain and so cold...........I never made it to the gym for a battle with the stair mill.


7am boot camp included lots of jumping rope and trampoline running along with lighter weight/stability work and abs.  Once again, it was a cold rainy day so I spent some quality time on the couch watching movies with the pup.  I did manage a quick 37 min. jog with the dog but I don't think I consider that cardio.  I was even able to finish off the day with a team dinner.  We had one of our newest teammates in town from Canada so we were able to catch up with Shannon D. over a nice steak (yep Coach ordered steak for me, Emme and Erin)! It was so tasty however the steamed veggies came with butternut squash which I love but was told to push to the side.  It was great to learn a little about Shannon and I look forward to learning a lot more. She is truly a beauty as are all my teammates. I'm always in awe of how gorgeous these girls are in person.
Of course a lot of the discussion at dinner consisted of our diet and competitions on the horizon (I know this has to get so old for Coach Doug and Karen but they are sports and appease us).  Coach did mention that there would be a very long conversation regarding our diets immediately after the competition because so much can go wrong with your body if you go off the deep end (deep end being eating everything you haven't had for so long in the time frame of a night, a week, a month).  You're body doesn't know what to do with all the foreign food since you've been eating clean for so long so it just holds on to it apparently, hence why competitors typically gain a strange amount of weight after their competition.  We all know that we are a little crazy in the head right now with our diets and goals so it's so important that Coach brings that to our attention.  We are all starting to love how we look but we also know it's not the healthiest way to live or the most functional way so we will have to find balance. I actually think Coach is super concerned about my body's reaction to the whole pizza I plan to ingest along with the molten lava chocolate cake! Only joking (kind of)!

***It was check in time today because we forgot yesterday. Coach did my weight and measurements
5.5% body fat
Coach said I am lean but he will blow me up the day of the show a good 5lbs but I probably still have 4 or so lbs to lose. We are still figuring out my body so it's not precise yet.
It's important to state that I am not starving myself. I am not carb depleting either. I am eating every 2 hours (for the most part)!


I actually slept in until 9:30am which I can't recall the last time I slept that late. I awoke with a nasty headache that made me a little lethargic but after eating and coffee, I was feeling somewhat better. I made it to the gym for a quick workout only because I was feeling so weak after 40 minutes. I did a 10 minute uphill treadmill walk and 30 minutes on the stair mill.  I was feeling like I probably needed to eat but had to check the time because I thought I ate right before I went to the gym.  I soon realized after I ate breakfast, I cleaned, did laundry and some computer work so it was over 3 hours since I had eaten when I was feeling weak.  Back home for a lunch of tilapia, green beans and yams was yummy but of course it started raining again and I found myself on the couch typing up this blog. Maybe I will make it back to the gym to do some light cardio.  I just want the sun to come out again so I can play outside.

***I weighed in at the gym today at 120.4 which is a 4lb loss from last Sunday.  I sent my Coach a text to make sure that was normal with the light amount of cardio I was doing and he stated "And you've done less cardio.  Science of the body is amazing isn't it?"  Kinda crazy is what it is.......Still trying to grasp the whole concept of less cardio=better body but I think it's true in my current situation.  I'm still in fear of waking up this coming week with a 5lb weight gain from my lack of cardio. I know I'm a little crazy but I said I would be honest on my fears and feelings. I'm also trying to look in the mirror more and accept my body as well as notice the changes. To me, I only see a more toned body but not smaller. I don't know if that's a mental block or everything just tightened in different ways. Yes some of my clothes are too big and I can wear things I would have never considered before but I am hesitant to make any purchases at this size because who knows what reality will be in a few weeks. I'm also not going to be throwing out the wide variety of sizes in my closet either.

Friday I also received my proofs from the Boudoir Shoot I did in Vegas in February.  I can't wait to get the edited versions back. Critsey Rowe did an amazing job and I'm looking forward to posting these. Here is a sneak peak unedited.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Laugh at the confusion, Smile through the tears

And keep reminding yourself that Everything Happens For A Reason.

 And after this last week or so I am beginning to see the truth in this belief. Last week was extremely busy and somewhat crazy. I was almost convinced the Earth must have been off it's axis but I now realize it was just fate closing one door and opening so many others.  So, I'm just going to let the stars align and enjoy the ride!

I was able to efficiently workout while traveling last week. I even managed to get an amazing beach run in with a stop at the beach park incorporating push ups, pull ups, dips and abs. This was by far my favorite workout of the week.  I was rushed for time every day and although I might not have been on the stair mill or pounding the pavement, I was in my room working up a sweat doing jumping jacks, push ups, crunches, lunges and dips. Friday, I rushed back to the gym in time for Coach Doug to inspect my "damage" which he had already seen from check in pictures.  Basically, there was no damage and he was impressed with my dedication to diet and exercise while traveling. However, I was a little nervous to see Coach because I had managed to have my first true breakdown while traveling. Unfortunately, several people got the wrath of my breakdown via text.  Then I ate (I was a few hours behind schedule when this occurred), normalized and apologized to everyone involved. My teammates were so caring and genuinely concerned about me even sympathizing with me.  It's such an asset having these amazing ladies there to watch your back, rub your back, be the shoulder to cry on or to be your biggest fan and motivator.  I was able to explain myself and frame of mind to Coach Doug and back to business we went.  If anything, this guy has probably seen every breakdown a woman can have and still wants to be surrounded by us daily........ so he's either crazy or passionate about his work, friends and family.

Saturday was a big day for team TBA. Scheduled was a photo shoot with the Fabulous Noel Daganta and several teammates were flying in from various parts of the country.  I also had a solo shoot with Noel I had been prepping for all week.  Coach told me during my workout on Friday that I was required to have steak and potatoes for every meal after 5pm.  He even gave me the green light for a little wine with my steak. I once again was waiting for the hidden camera because surely this couldn't have been an option from my coach's mouth.  Coach explained the steak and potatoes would help bring out (POP) my muscles for the shoot and the sugar from the wine would make me vascular.  This sounded like the best eating plan I had heard of in forever (or at least since that last diet plan of only pizza and chocolate I've dreamed of).  I was so excited to go to Ruth Chris's and almost seem like a normal person that night.  It was comical trying to measure out an ounce of wine but I've come this far so I had to be precise on my splurge. And I can't lie, it tasted sooooooooooooooooooo good. I am looking forward to that first glass of wine after I win my Pro Card on April 14th.

Saturday morning I arrived bright and early for the talented Jorge Monroy to begin beautifying me with his magical hands.  I was also excited to see Noel's reaction at my progress since our last photo shoot when I was only 2 weeks into the diet in January.  He seemed more than surprised and was nothing but complimentary the entire shoot.  I have to say it felt good to see the look on his face.  We had a great time shooting for the hour and I am anxiously awaiting those pictures too.  All morning some of the out of town teammates began to arrive and I was finally able to see how beautiful these ladies were in person.  I think we were all excited to meet each other.  Also, seeing majority of our teammates in one room was AMAZING.  There was of course even a little friendly competition while we checked out each other's best ASSests, knowing that at some point we would have to be on stage competing against each other. We had teammates in from Nebraska, New York, Florida, Arizona and Southern California.  It was very empowering being surrounded by a group of such multi talented, friendly and warm women.  There was not one ounce of cattiness you would expect in a room full of competitive ladies.  You could honestly feel the warmth of friendship throughout the room as everyone engaged themselves in getting to know one another better.

First chore was a calendar shoot for Harley Davidson.  It had to be quite the scene for innocent bystanders to see over 20 women and their muscles enhancing the bikes. Like any true athletic photo shoot, the ladies had to pump up beforehand to make sure our muscles were POPPING.  Doesn't everyone work out in heels?

Aundrea, me and Tammy Posing Pretty

Coach Doug is a LUCKY MAN....but we are even luckier girls to have him!
And true to the saying, behind every great man is a greater woman.......and looky who is behind Coach.........Karen! We know she's the brains and backbone of the team and Coach!

 Tammy, Shannon, Me, Aundrea and Jess Just Being BADASS!

We wrapped up a very long Saturday with a team meeting, new friendships, fresh ideas and ignited motivation.  Everyone has goals and dreams we are trying to achieve and the WIN taste that much sweeter when shared with friends.  I look forward to watching all of these woman accomplish their dreams.  I know they will be a big part of my success and I just hope I can give back to them what they have already given me.  

4 weeks and 3 days until I hit the WBFF Stage to win my Pro Card in Fitness. This journey has been unlike any other and I'm looking forward to opening the last few chapters.

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
― Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, March 4, 2012


As the weekend winds down, I am reminded that I now have less than 6 weeks until I step on stage to win my PRO CARD with the WBFF!! My how time flies is really all I can think. From what seemed like an unrealistic/extended/long/forever amount of time is now hurdling at me like fast a ball thrown by Nolan Ryan.  I started this journey with 104 days giving me what I deemed plenty of time to achieve all the mental and physical aspects needed to win the GOLDEN TICKET. Now I see that for me, there is no cruise control option because that enables me to get lazy and detour from the plan.  I know I've made great progress over the last 9 weeks, so much so I've almost convinced myself I'm ahead of the game.  This kind of thinking could lead me down a very dirty road I have to constantly tell myself not to take.  Once I start thinking I can cheat here and there because I've done so good and made so much progress, is the day I hand back that PRO CARD I'm so vividly envisioning in my hand on April 14th.
This is no time to be lazy and hit cruise control. I can be lazy is 6 weeks. I can skip a workout in 6 weeks, eat that cupcake, have that glass of wine or run 3 miles instead of 6.  This is not that time. If anything, it's time to throw more embers on the fire and kick it up a notch.  Maybe my competition is getting lazy therefore I am not.  If I listened to what some of my friends and family think, I would believe there is nothing left to improve and they can't imagine what else I could do in 6 weeks. I guess they are a little biased and probably haven't engrossed themselves in the videos of my friendly competitors. Thinking out loud, if I was going to slip up, it should have been many many weeks ago and certainly not 6 weeks out when time is most critical.  My Coach encourages me daily and expresses how proud he is of my progress but he's is definitely not telling me to hit cruise control and coast into first place (is that even possible?). I don't think I've heard him tell me to give 50% during our workout and then recover with some pizza (although I would be torn and perplexed should this happen.... kind of like the shot of vodka he gave me last week). I don't think I heard him endorse 2nd place as 1st place loser, something is better than nothing mentality (nope def. didn't hear that).  I better come in like a category 5 hurricane when I win.  Simply put, GO BIG OR GO HOME!

Check out this video my coach made of my progress. Initially, I couldn't see the changes and if I did they were so small and irrelevant to me. I saw this video and was impressed myself.


For those of you that don't know me, I will give you a brief little history on my knees.........why you ask??? Because I have to consider them every day with every workout and every activity I do.  I have had 4 knee surgeries consisting of both right and left ACL's and both lateral meniscus.  The ACL's stem from 2 soccer accidents and the lateral meniscus is from being a crazy workout woman not listening to her body.  Hence now, I listen.  These surgeries have a direct impact on my day to day life conscientiously and subconscientiously.  Although I consider my knees BIONIC KNEES, these surgeries have left me with a little list of problems that I will have to deal with the rest of my life.  My body is unbalanced, I have knee pain when doing certain activities, my IT Bands are so tight you could spring them, my hamstring lead way to hip problems and my piriformis (booty muscles) are jacked up (that's the technical term)! A lot of this could be subsided or avoided if I would stretch better (yes I even got certified in yoga so I would practice more often but don't ), use my roller and get regular massage.  Friday was butt detail day (imagine that, I was working on my glutes). I later set out on a run with the puppy and forty minutes into the run, my glutes and hip basically locked up causing so much pain I  couldn't push through running or even speed walking.  I had to hobble home with the dog dragging me the next 3 miles. Those 3 miles felt like an eternity.  Not only was I mad about not burning my calories, I felt bad that the puppy wanted to burn some major energy and I was slowing him down. Once I finally arrived home, I decided it was necessary to get a massage and get this worked out so it wouldn't impede my workouts for the rest of the weekend.  I finally found a new place called Massage Heights and scheduled a 90 minute massage and reflexology.  I usually opt for male masseuse but none were available and I was assured that the female was phenomenal and strong.  I typically doubt this but was in so much pain I agreed to give her a whirl.  Once I plopped down on the table, my masseur Yvonne made it clear she not only had the hand strength to get the job done but she also knew what she was doing and what she was looking for concerning my issues. I didn't mention to her any of my previous problems (or surgeries) and she pointed out a lot of my problems come from my right side although my left side was hurting. I already knew this because I have had problems for quite a while and knew it was stemming from overcompensating.  I was impressed she acknowledged that along with asking if I have TMJ (which I do, damn gum chewing) and stating that I must have digestive problems (yep, got those too)! She was so energetic and passionate about helping heal people that I felt better just being around her energy.  Yvonne recommended that I use my roller and get in a minimum of 3 times a month with her because it was going to be like starting over each time the longer I went without massage. I believe and agree with her on that.  When I was checking out, I met the owner, Terri Cicchetti, and we started talking about massage, my injuries and my competition.  She was so passionate about the purpose of her business. They really are into healing people and instilling knowledge rather than getting you in and out once a month. I spoke with Terri for awhile about her ideals on massage and how she started her business. When her son was in high school and obtained several sports injury, massage was part of his therapy and she saw the benefits and results.  Shortly after, her husband was diagnosed with cancer where again massage was recommended as therapy.  Seeing the benefits first hand made her realize their was a true need for massage therapy for others and therefore she started her business. It was so refreshing to know they are really interested in healing the body as she talked in depth with me about massage therapy for various injuries and problems.  I scheduled another massage the following Friday and I am looking forward to a little torture and a little relief.  So if you are in the area, I would highly recommend Massage Heights and Yvonne.  I'm excited to actually stick to a massage plan of therapy and see the improvements.

Well time to get back to packing for a quick work trip this week. That means a 4:30am wakeup call for 5:30am workout then home to get ready and head for the airport. I know I will get my workout in the morning and cardio later tomorrow night but what about Tuesday when my meetings start very early and go all day? Let's see how I handle it. I will keep you posted. Remember, train hard.............HAVE FUN!

My teammate Kya made these cool photos of me and Alice at the gym the other day! Love the sayings. Thanks girl!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Not to be compared with Happy Hour Boozing. I wouldn't remember what that is about but Boxing is how I spent the typical hours one could be at Happy Hour at any bar on any given day.  Truthfully, I don't miss Happy Hour because I usually never made it due to gym time. I was reminded today of some of the social aspects I don't participate in at this time when I received an invitation to Yappy Hour with some girlfriends.  I don't always avoid these situations because of the temptations of a delicious glass of vino or some scrumptious appetizers that certainly wouldn't be on a competition diet, but I avoid simply because of time and energy.  I guess I am thankful my friends still send out invites when they know majority of the time I can't participate.  I've had a great support system of friends and family that constantly check on me, still include me in fun, social activities that aren't as fun when you are monitoring everything you put in your body and have even let me know that I have inspired them to make healthy changes in their lives.  I feel very lucky be surrounded by these people when I've heard horror stories from other competitors of broken relationships and friendship due to the complex lifestyle of a competitor. Many describe it as an isolating experience which I can understand being you don't want outside temptations to break your focus, so much so that you cut everyone out.........or they cut you out labeling you "No Fun" or "Complicated". I've still been able to go to dinner with friends and even some business dinners avoiding all temptations. I have also noticed that EVERY time I've eaten out with my cronies, they make healthier choices whether in fear of me judging (which isn't my style although I do often make healthy suggestions) or simply being kind and not dangling the Non Doug Approved Meal in front of me.  Someone recently asked me if I had been treated differently by any individuals and I had to seriously ponder the question.  Surely this couldn't have been accepted by everyone around me??? Really my competition lifestyle has been embraced into the conversations of all my social settings.......But then I remembered one particular comment from an acquaintance.  A few weeks ago when meeting up with some friends at a bar/restaurant, I ran into a friend (you will see why I say acquaintance) that said someone had told her about my new restrictive lifestyle.  I smiled and gave her the cliff notes version of what my goals were and she simply said to me "Sounds ummmm interesting. Well call me when you get out of jail and can grab a drink."  I don't know why that bothered me as in I probably had only associated with her a few times and I'm sure beverages were served but it still rubbed me the wrong way.  When I've mentioned my dreams to other friends, I've always gotten a response to do dinner, exercise, see a movie or meet for coffee.  I realize my lifestyle isn't the "Normal"  but what is "Normal" anyways?? I guess I'm just thankful for all of the support I'm lucky enough to receive.  

This past weekend was spent..............you guessed it Working Out! Saturday (7 WEEKS from stepping on stage and winning my PRO CARD) morning bootcamp at 7am and posing at 8:30am. My teammate Keri and her husband Dave came up from Southern Cal to work with Coach Doug and stayed with me.  We even journied out with Coach and Wife Karen for a great dinner at Il Fornaio.  And get this........Coach even made us all do a shot of vodka to celebrate Karen's scan coming back CANCER FREE which was the best news of the week. So there I was, 66 days without a drop of alcohol and my Coach was forcing vodka down my throat. I surely thought I was being set up and there had to be a camera filming this strange moment.  Keri and I then started conversing about the enzymes the vodka would produce and questioning if it would it turn to sugar and fat and even went so far as trying to calculate how far it could set us back.  So as you see mentally, we are dialed in to our diet so much so we can take the fun out of the Coach letting us be bad!! But looking at it from another perspective, Coach knows we are on track because otherwise he wouldn't have let us slide.  Sunday I actually slept in, chilled on the couch for over an hour without checking email, Facebook or my phone and even tackled an afternoon workout of stairmill, booty, and abs.  Squeezing in a movie was an extra treat too.

Keri chowing down on steak!! Coach Doug approved. Yes there is a basket of bread in front of her that none of us touch but I did catch myself staring at it throughout the night!

Monday morning's workout was a conditioning leg blast.  I weighed in Sunday afternoon at the gym at 124 and asked Coach Doug what weight I should be in 7 weeks for competition. Coach asked me to weigh in again and informed me we would be doing body fat testing again.  Naturally, I assumed my weight would be up and he would discover his body fat analysis from last Wednesday was waaaaayyyyy off. I still didn't believe I was in the 6's.  I weighed in a 122 and body fat was 6.6% yesterday.  Wow!! Still shocked that I've shed 10-12lbs and taken my body fat down at least 7%.  Of course I shouldn't have been so stubborn that first month and documented every thing but I can't reverse the past.  Now, I am trying to keep more numerical and photographic proof of this journey.  I have to admit, I have shocked myself with the results.  I've always been confident in my ability to succeed, but I know deep down I doubted my body could ever look the girls I train with or the fitness models I see in the magazine.  This masterpiece isn't complete yet but I have no doubt about the future of my success both mentally and physically in prepping for this competition.  I'm offically over the hump completing 8.5 intense weeks of this competition diet and training with 6.5 weeks left.  Are there still challenges and temptations???? EVERY SINGLE DAY. Some days are easier than others but I have to High Five myself and give myself a gold star for the effort and dedication I've shown,  Hell, if I can't be proud of myself, why should anyone else?

Last Wednesday February 22, 2012 Workout and Vogue Pose with my girls Jess W and Alice N!
Gotta say.........Look at my abs!! I honestly had no clue until I saw this picture. I can't deny the Hottness of my teammates and I do realize they will be my competition on stage later this year!

Posing practice Wednesday February 22, 2012. I've already given a disclaimer that I will never look cute at the gym.........because I'm at the gym and I've been KILLING IT!

More TBA girls posing after our Friday afternoon workout! That's my sexy eyes smile!:)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Balancing Beauty and the Beast

Well here I am after a week of traveling, working and demonic head spinning but I think I've finally found "my" normal once more.  If you recall the end of last week, I was having a hard time balancing every thing I had on my plate and it was mentally overtaking me.  I was cranky and unorganized with all my thoughts of work, training, cardio, consuming a correct amount of supplements, competition information, food preparation, daily errands and chores, travel, clothing for photo shoots, suit and costume  decisions and simply returning some belated phone calls.

I took this last week to focus on my needed "To Do" list once I prioritized it. A simple list with 2 columns: Necessary Now/Necessary Right After Now.  Since I travel so often between Northern California and Vegas, I usually get a little frazzled with my schedule and making sure everything is done in both locations. However, this time I was more overwhelmed than I can recall in a long time.  I started with the simply making sure my food was prepped for my travel day because I knew I would go to the store as soon as I arrived and prepped my work list with what I could tackle at the airport and on the plane, idle time to sit around and catch up on emails and reading.  I also made the calls and decisions on my competition suit and costume as soon as I arrived in Vegas. Even though I arrived early into Vegas, I had already decided it was my day to accomplish the "To Do" list and there would be no internal arguments regarding not training. So Friday was a huge day of scratching items off on that list leaving me with my morning workout and clothes shopping on my brain as I placed my head on the pillow. I finally let out a little sigh of relief.  Sometime it takes a little prioritizing goes a long way.

Saturday morning I was up early and anxiously awaiting my workout with my trainer/training partner, Willie.  Willie has been torturing and mentoring me for over 6 years.  I always know a great sweat is in store and probably a few curse words mixed in the session.  Forgetting Willie hasn't seen me since the holidays, it was great to see his face when he noticed my transformation.  He said he was amazed at how ripped I looked, something I can't get tired of hearing.  He was even more surprised when he asked me my cardio routines these days.  He assumed I had increased my mileage and was back to being "Crazy Cardio" girl with just some different weight lifting routine.  When I told him I had cut my cardio down significantly and restructured my cardio sessions to more effective fat burning rather than muscle burning.  I even had to refresh my memory that he told me years ago I was burning my muscle off with my insane running, biking, elliptical and boot camp schedules.  Well, Willie had a killer workout in store and I even got some of it on video which I have to figure out how to download on here. Here's what it looked like:

Started with a 10 minute warm-up run
2 minutes standing climb bike
2 minutes jump rope
Kettle bell swings with leap frog
Pull ups straight to TRX push ups/knee ins, TRX bicycles to TRX planks
Repeat 4x

Sunday was a very long day. A fantastic and well known boudoir photographer, Critsey Rowe, from Charlotte, NC had contacted me about modeling for her boudoir seminar she was teaching in Vegas.  I showed up for hair and makeup at 11am at the MGM Grand and spent the next 7 hours posing and attempting to be sexy, natural, pretty, excited, demur, funny, exotic and comfortable.  I have to say it was actually a lot of fun posing for Critsey and all the photographers she was training. Each photographer had different and unique ideas/poses that made it fun and almost like a workout from twisting, turning, squatting and stretching.  You can check out her website at http://www.coutureboudoir.com/.  Hopefully I can post some pics soon.  After the shoot, I was exhausted and just grabbed some food and hit the couch.  I had to rest up for another fun session with Willie Monday morning.

I started Monday off with a brisk 55 minute run and then a workout with Willie. I contacted Coach Doug first thing to see what my target muscle group of the day should be since I wasn't training with my team.  Coach wanted me to hit heavy legs/booty with sprints and abs.  Willie was more than happy to help with my Coach's daily workout plan.  Here is what it looked like:

10 minute warm-up run
Heavy Squats-5x
Heavy Plea Squats-5x
Heavy Lunges-5x
Leg Extensions-5x
Hamstring Curls-5x
Weighted Squat jumps-3x
20 yard monster squat walk with bands on ankles-3x
100 hanging raises for abs

First thing Tuesday morning was another workout with Willie. This time I let him put his twist on things and do full body. This workout lasted about 1.5 hours.

10 minute warm-up run
Cardio Round
7 Half Burpies
7 Squats
7 Burpie to stand
7 Burpie to jump
7 Burpie/Pushup/Knee In to Jump
Shoulder/leg/cardio round
20/15/10/5 squats with 25lb weight
20/15/10/5 squat with shoulder press 15lbs (nailed my nose on first round)
20/15/10/5 15lb jumping jack shoulder press
20/15/10/5 15lb overhead tricep press
20/15/10/5 15lb front lateral jumping jacks
Upper Body Circuit
20/15/10/5 Pull ups
20/15/10/5 Dips
20/15/10/5 push ups
20/15/10/5 pour the cup (shoulders)
20/15/10/5 flies (shoulders)
Leg Circuit
20/15/10/5 Squat jumps on step
20/15/10/5 Butt kicks over bag
20/15/10/5 Squat with 8lb weighted ball with shoulder press
20/15/10/5 box jumps (probably 3ft high)
1 min plank
1 min sit ups
30 second right/left side plank with hip raises
1 min bicycle

Wednesday I was back in Northern Cali and ready for a team workout and posing practice. I was feeling a little off though because although I was prepared with my food while out of town, I still didn't get in all my carbs and had a few protein bars when there was no other options. I wondered how far back that had put me.  When I arrived at the gym, Coach said I looked really good and that I had obviously stayed disciplined while away.  He then decided to do my body fat which I was dreading............What did he come up with??? 6.5%. Holy cow! That's like 2 percent in a week and half.  Guess my hard work was paying off.  After hitting the biceps and triceps hard, I threw on my suit to strut my stuff for posing practice. I still don't have the strut down but I'm getting there.  After refueling, I went for a nice hour and half run with the puppy.  Keep in mind some of this was walking up hills and lowering the heart rate so I don't burn the muscle.

6 Days left in the month which means 6 more days for a chance to win my LOVE BASKET! Don't forget to refer your friends to my blog and Facebook athletic page, Lizzy McMillan Future WBFF Fitness Pro, for extra entries.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

When all else fails...........run!

Well at this point in my day, I can be grateful that it's almost bedtime (closer to a new day) and this gum is doing the trick for calming my sweet tooth. But with that comes jaw issues from chewing too much gum. Some days I feel I just can't win, I can't get ahead, I can't get behind, I can only run in circles. The last 2 days have been a constant battle of being in overdrive but not feeling as though I achieved anything.  I guess I could look at the positive and realize I have been the Master of Terrible Time Management or at least the Master of Distraction, nonetheless the MASTER.  What would it take for me to actually see a "To Do List" done?? 

I don't know what is taking over me. My head is spinning and pulling a complete thought together is virtually impossible. Who knows where this blog will go tonight. 
I am 59 days aways from this competition and I have begun to have anxiety about everything. The least of anxiety is about my body but about everything else in relation to getting there and being the best. There is so much more that goes into preparing for a fitness competition and transforming the body is only a small piece of it.  I've discussed before the mental aspect of this journey and I'm now discovering all the different avenues it can take you. I have to override my mind and desires every day when it comes to food and working out but now there are other necessities I have obviously procrastinated taking care of.  Preparation is key and I've had that down with the diet and workout but my indecision has finally caught up with me and put me in panic mode.  Some of these things are in my control and some are not.  Most normal competitors would be just waiting for their final fit on their suit and theme costume when they are almost 8 weeks out.  However, I just decided on my suit color and have a vague idea of the design within the last week.  Costume you ask?? Yes, every fitness competitor has theme wear to strut around in as well. Picture super heros, playboy bunnies, etc. I just talked with a costume designer today about my ideas and she reiterated that it was crunch time which I'm assuming comes with a crunch fee. The little details are simply blowing me away. I'm guessing one of the most pressing issues is my schedule the next few weeks. Work is going to dictate me traveling a lot the 3 weeks before the show. That's a lot of food prep and cooler time.  More importantly I feel I should be in the gym and monitored by Coach so he can see every change and modify anything that needs to be worked on. I'm driving myself crazy imagining every scenario to maximize my time at the gym and on the road.  I am trying to convince myself plenty of other girls on the team live all over the country and only see Coach Doug once or twice before they compete and do everything else online. Can I do this while traveling? Once again, there is no other option. 

The next 59 days are all going to be about pushing myself to new limits physically and more importantly mentally.  Yes, some days it's so fluid to jump out of bed, crush a killer workout, sprint through my cardio, spend hours cooking and cleaning the kitchen, completing my work, running errands, washing those workout clothes and at some point sleeping.  And some days my ADD takes over and the only thing that gets accomplished is a workout (probably hindered by my spinning mind) and a lot of running back and forth asking myself what I was doing.  Can I overcome this particular challenge? Once again, there is no other option. 

Coach Doug has decided Thursday is our day off. Really that means he just wants us to do some light cardio and lay off the weights.  I was actually excited to go to bed last night knowing I didn't have to bolt out of bed, eat breakfast in time for it to digest, drive to the gym on the other side of town and run any errands after my workout while trying to make sure I returned in time for the dog to be taken care of.  The morning would be mine to complete some work items online, figure out my fitness costume, check on my suit from the designer, pay some bills, cook some meals, pack for Vegas and review my logistics for the next month.  I completed majority of these things but there was plenty of pacing and distractions to go with my efforts.  Now I am left with packing which I should look at as a blessing. Why??? I'm headed to Vegas to do photo shoots on Sunday with some photographers from the east coast.  I am very honored they asked me to model for them as I am very big fans of their work so this is a great thing. The only bad thing is how I am overwhelmed with all the clothes I need to take for shoot and trying to remember what clothes I already have at my place there. I switch wardrobes so often from traveling back and forth.  Will I have everything I need? Well it's best for me to find out now.  I told you I would be brutally honest and this is my brain today.  I'm very thankful I squeezed in an hour and half run with the puppy to clear the negativity I was feeling earlier in the day. That blog would not have been pretty and I wouldn't have felt good rereading.  Sometimes you just have to breath. I'm hoping for some calmness and clarity that comes with the next cross off on my "To Do List".  

I feel a change in attitude with a new day! I sent this to my friend Stevie who needed a little pep talk. She said it was perfect for her so maybe I should listen to my own advice. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I hope it's been a great day celebrated with the one you love, the things you love doing or doing the things you love with the one you love. As I mentioned before, I love Valentine's Month because it's dedicated to CHOCOLATE and WINE, oh yeah there is that LOVE element to it but you should treat that special someone like it's Valentine's Day everyday.  You've heard it before.  However, I can't partake in the Chocolate or Wine so I will just pass on the LOVE. I am giving away FREE 2 week training sessions with me and my Coach to 10 lucky individuals. I'm ready to take it up a notch and need some PICs (partners in crime).  Just post a picture of your love, whatever that may be, on my athletic page on Facebook.  The drawing is this Friday February 17th.
Don't forget the goody basket worth over $200. Simply "Like" my athletic fan page and join my blog.  Each one is an entry.  Also, refer a friend and have them tell me, that's an extra entry. No limit on referrals.  Contest ends at end of the month. This goody basket is ridiculous and I want to win it!

My day started at 4:30am!! Cockadoodledoo! Coach Doug called a meeting for 5:15am, meaning be there no later than 5:10am. I had no intentions of working out this early. I was hoping to sleep in at least until 6 or 6:30am as I have not been sleeping well lately. This is probably due to my insane caffeine addition. I have been slurping down coffee like water and forgetting to order decaf. It turns out my Godiva coffee doesn't come in decaf anyways.  This mornings meeting was just a powwow and then a nice shoulder/ab workout.  Usually I like to eat breakfast before but due to the early hour that wasn't possible.  You may think I'm crazy (probably a good assumption) but I slept in my workout gear so I'd be ready to roll first thing.  Coach seemed serious when he called the meeting and I was not going to be late.  Usually when I do a 5:30am workout, I convince myself a nap will be in the near future as soon as I rack the weights but I'm so energized, that never happens. However, by mid day I hit a wall and usually underperform on my cardio or general work the rest of day.  Not sure why anyone would workout that early if nothing dictated the need. Sleep is so crucial to every aspect of my training that I must keep that in perspective. Soooooooo leave it to me to decide to quit caffeine all in one day.  Yesterday seemed like a great day to go cold turkey. Does this sound like a good idea to give up my last vice on a Monday etc?? Well I guess I could come up with every excuse why it wouldn't be a good day to give up caffeine.  After an awesome leg and booty workout, I decided to finish the day kickboxing.  Probably not the best idea to spend an hour whaling on a bag and jumping rope while my brain was exploding in my head.  I then decided to devise a better plan moving forward.  Did I have caffeine today? YEPPERS! Although with the 3 large Americanos I consumed, I had 2 half caffeine and 1 decaf.  Are you proud? I'm just glad the head is still attached today.

An early workout left me time to catch up on work this morning and not to mention time to clean the kitchen. It's how I spend 90% of my day or so I feel.  I managed to grab a quick jog in today and an hour of posing practice. Coach Doug seems to think my diet process is coming along nicely.  My body fat tested at 8.8% yesterday. He seemed to be really excited about the progress however I was beating myself up it wasn't at 8%.  I don't actually know where I should be just under 9 weeks out from competition so therefore I trust he is the expert.  Coach's theory is slow and steady wins the race. I guess it makes sense I can't look competition mode for 8 weeks. Now posing is a whole new game for me but I've learned how to take my mind to another place and embrace the ability to bring my A game. There's plenty of room for improvement but Coach was very complimentary of my posing style and body transformation.  I won't let it go to my head though because I know there are plenty of weeks left that will arrive promptly and plenty of things that need to grow, be tweaked, touched up and mastered before my debut! So

While most everyone was out eating a fancy, rich and tasty meal with a loved one or watching some sappy love story placing themselves on screen, I once more spent the night cooking all my meals for the next two days.  A very romantic evening I must say.  I spared myself the boredom of tilapia again and treated myself to chicken (only the 3rd time I ingested bird today).  I do hope everyone had a little extra steak, wine and dessert for me.

11:02pm means bedtime. Let's see where my day takes me tomorrow. For now SLEEEEPPPPP!!