APRIL 26, 2012
So I'm doing the exact opposite!!!!!! Still blogging and even better, I'm TRYING AGAIN!
I guess I should start with my journey 2 weeks ago to Connecticut and my first fitness competition with the WBFF. It was an awesome experience that I've been wanting to write about yet have been traveling and working over the last 2 weeks. I haven't found the time to sit down more than 5 minutes. I have time now as I sit in the airport in Philly on my layover to Quebec........Why Quebec? Well it just so happens there is another competition this weekend I've decided to play in with my TBA teammates. (I also won't mention that I,as well as another teammate, booked our airline tickets into Quebec City which was 6 hours driving time from the show while others flew into Ottawa....Shows you how much I know about Canada although I do know they speak French. At least I wasn't alone when I realized in Philly on my layover that our hotel was nowhere near our airport when I googled it. Thank goodness the US Airways staff was more than willing to help.......My teammate realized a little too late and couldn't change destinations so her and her hubby had to make the drive. These are the little things that happen to me often that make me laugh. I mean the worst that could happen was renting a car and driving so there was no reason to get upset. Just shows me I should do my research!!)
My first competition was amazing and a little stressful at the same time. I had to worry about my theme wear, beautiful and unique angel wings, getting delivered to the hotel. Before I left home, my suit designer informed me that my suit would have to be picked up in Connecticut. There were a few glitches with my suit when I arrived for my fitting but it eventually worked out. I spent Thursday and Friday running last minute errands and getting some gear for my photo shoot after the competition on that following Sunday.
Most of the team arrived Thursday afternoon or evening where we met for dinner at Ruth Chris. Coach Doug took me and my PIC (partner in crime) Aundrea to the bathroom in the restaurant to inspect our bodies. This was critical so he knew what we needed to change on our diet and water intake. We were both granted steak and a few bites of potato that night so that made us HAPPY!!
Friday afternoon, I met Coach for a quick "Pump" session which lasted under 15 minutes. It was amazing how weak I was after not working out all week and sticking to the Hell Week diet. I could barely lift half of what I was used to and was winded after a minute on the treadmill. So of course I have to know the exact reason for this and constantly was asking "Why" to every change Coach gave me. Coach explained the build up of lactic acid from my few days of not working out, which was only done under his strict orders. Later, TBA ladies met up for dinner at the hotel where Coach Doug ordered our pre game meal. I was instructed to eat pepperoni pizza and wine. Really?? I have been craving this for four months but was having an issue ordering it. I was concerned what effect the dairy would do to me since it had been so long. Karen instructed me to follow orders and grub away which I gladly did. Later that evening, Coach inspected my body again and decided I was looking too lean and needed to add a little love to my body before showtime. We headed directly to the bar and ordered a burger, bun and all. I have to say I was loving this show prep menu.
Saturday started at 5am with another spray tan and then hair and makeup. Although the competition didn't start until 10ish, we had to be backstage by 9am to practice. It was amazing to be backstage with all the girls glamming up and pumping up while practicing their sass. I was a little thrown off that we had to start the show with our theme wear because I still didn't feel comfortable with my wings. Talk about throwing me to the wolves. First time on stage, I was rolling out with huge wings trying to look natural and sassy. Once I hit the stage, all my butterflies disappeared and I caught the eyes of my team in the audience. For those of you that don't know, you walk on stage do a little walk and posing and line up at the back of the stage with the other contestants. Once everyone is lined up, the judges then call you to the front of the stage to pose off and act pretty but I ran into a little glitch. My wings were so big that I was getting blocked out by the girls beside me. It was comical the effort I was trying to make to get around these ladies as well as them fighting to be seen around the wings. Once I walked off, I realized that the wings may be GORGEOUS but they also could have hurt me since some of the judges couldn't see me. However, I didn't let that stand in my way. I strutted back out for the bikini segment with pride and confidence.
SIDE NOTE BTW.... Seeing girls backstage is hilarious in it's on right. Everyone is so pretty, greasy while smelling so bad. Yes WE STINK! Most girls took a shower the afternoon before and have been sprayed a few times with that delicious smelling orange stuff that allows no deodorant.
Anyway, it all worked out. I made TOP 10, which I was ecstatic about because that was a great accomplishment with that many gorgeous ladies and my first show. I probably wouldn't have made it if not for the beautiful contestant Sara Love, directly to my left, in the morning and evening competition. I asked her kindly backstage at the evening show if she would help me remove my wings before the judges called us to the front of the stage. This way I could be seen and I wouldn't have to knock her off the stage in the process of trying to be seen. It was a win win. I'm guessing that bolted me up since some of the judges finally got a peak at the girl and not the wings. So why am I trying it again?????? I mentioned SATISFACTION in my last few blogs. Well I can't give you my exact definition but I know it wasn't obtained. I wasn't heartbroken or destroyed I didn't win. It was all about the experience and journey. I'm a natural competitor so therefore it's just in my DNA to want to fight the fight again. I've worked so hard and for so many months that I can rationalize another 2 weeks diet and prep to go again. This time it will be different. I'm going in with a different attitude and perspective. As a competitor, I want to win but as ME......I just want to have fun. That's what this has become. I look forward to posting hopefully a lot sooner than this recap. I won't have a phone backstage so hopefully there are some other people tracking our day. BTW roaming rates in Canada are ridiculous so I'm just keeping the phone off.
I guess next up...........What I learned from my journey, what's next and why I started this addicting adventure and challenge!
That's what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we've changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning.
-Richard Brach
Theme Wear Round! Those damn wings!!!Beautiful yet complicated......
Backstage practicing with those damn wings before I set foot on stage for the first time ever!
My Fitness Atlantic TBA teammates before registration
Everyone knows this guy.....BRING IT!! Me and Tony Horton
Me and My PIC (Partner in Crime) Aundrea A
Photo Shoot with Lhgfx and Hair/Makeup Phenom Elise Firestone
Me and My PIC again practicing our kissy face
Morning after comp, Elise doing my hair and makeup!
TBA girls Jen Clark and Aundrea Annin
TBA teammates and now WBFF Pro Kelly Smith, Aundrea Annin, Alicia Haraksin
Me and the beautiful Lindsay Messina
My fierce competition on stage in themewear.........Sara had already helped me remove the wings hence she's still on stage!:)
Me and Elise in touch up time during shoot
Love your perspective!!