Sunday, March 18, 2012


A friend called and requested that I post my exact workout schedule for this past week. She was determined to attempt a replication this coming week. I told her to play on! I can't wait to hear if she accomplishes this goal. I did let her know it was a light week for me. After reading my week, I realize she might think I'm crazy........

I also drug along a new workout buddy this week, Lindsey.  She is in nursing school and extremely busy but realizes she has to make time for fitness instead of making time for excuses. I had her attend "Hell Week" with me Monday-Wednesday and she hung in smiling the entire time. She might have been a little sore at the end of the week but she never said no or complained.  I was also able to help her with a goal, accountability and a plan.  So far, so good. Lindsey is texting me her progress daily which is holding her accountable. I love it!


Took Lindsey to an 1 hr 20 min. workout with my team and Coach.  I knew she would be inspired and encouraged after meeting a few ladies on the team and that was exactly the response I received after our first workout. Lindsey loved the workout as it was something she had never done before and loved the encouragement a group of girls can give.
Later that day, I headed out for an hour run.  It was going to be raining the rest of the week so I knew it would probably be the only day this week I could run outside. I initially told myself I would do 30-45 minutes because I was so tired but once I hit the pavement, the endorphins kicked in and I extended my run.


Lindsey and I participated in a Kickboxing class with my friend Neda for an hour then headed to the gym for more functional training with my teammates.  I was pulled aside to focus on building the booty since my competition is coming up next month.  Here is a video of the fun. You can see Lindsey and the rest of the girls in the background with their grueling workout.

I made it to the gym later to do a quick 45 minutes on the stair mill that night. I didn't force Lindsey because I knew her body was tired and 2 hours in one day was enough for a beginner!


I met Lindsey at the gym to take a class called RIPPED which involved weights, plyo, cardio and abs.  After the hour class, I put Lindsey on the elliptical for 45 minutes and I got on the stair mill for 50.  She didn't complain or quit early as she had homework to do, she just did it. I was super proud.  Later that night, I attended a 50 minute kickboxing class at a local boxing studio.  All of this may seem excessive, but to me it seemed like lighter cardio than I'm used least lighter impact I guess.


 Lindsey had to leave town to go back to class but not without instructions and a plan.  I gave her Thursday off because she worked so hard the last 3 days and I knew her body and mind was tired.  She also had a very long day of school on Thursday but she still had homework from me.  Although it was her day off, I requested she did 10 rounds of 10 push ups, sit ups and dips every day for 1 week and then we would increase. I also gave her some nutrition advice and asked her to check in daily.  Friday she needed to be back at it on the cardio.  1 hour a day 6 days a week with her 10x workout daily.
As for me, I headed to kickboxing to meet up with Neda and then to the gym to meet up with some teammates.  Even though it was our day off (meaning do cardio) from Coach, we decided to meet up and do some extra credit.  Our workout consisted of 50 jumping jacks with lateral raise (3-5lb weights in hand), 50 jumping jacks front raise with weights, 20 jump pull ups and repeat 6 times.  Then we did some running ladder work for agility and kettle bell swings with leap frog, I had an 18lb weight.  Me, Emme and Jess W finished off with abs.  Later that day, I made it to the stair mill for a 45 min. session.


My neighbor Dawn and I headed out for an earlier morning workout being we had things to accomplish during our regular workout hours.  Dawn and I met Emme, Erin and Shannon at the gym for a "Dysfunctional Friday" workout consisting of skipping lunges, lungs with shoulder press, side walking squats with shoulder work and balance/back work with lighter weights. I will admit the weather made me lazy because it was pouring rain and so cold...........I never made it to the gym for a battle with the stair mill.


7am boot camp included lots of jumping rope and trampoline running along with lighter weight/stability work and abs.  Once again, it was a cold rainy day so I spent some quality time on the couch watching movies with the pup.  I did manage a quick 37 min. jog with the dog but I don't think I consider that cardio.  I was even able to finish off the day with a team dinner.  We had one of our newest teammates in town from Canada so we were able to catch up with Shannon D. over a nice steak (yep Coach ordered steak for me, Emme and Erin)! It was so tasty however the steamed veggies came with butternut squash which I love but was told to push to the side.  It was great to learn a little about Shannon and I look forward to learning a lot more. She is truly a beauty as are all my teammates. I'm always in awe of how gorgeous these girls are in person.
Of course a lot of the discussion at dinner consisted of our diet and competitions on the horizon (I know this has to get so old for Coach Doug and Karen but they are sports and appease us).  Coach did mention that there would be a very long conversation regarding our diets immediately after the competition because so much can go wrong with your body if you go off the deep end (deep end being eating everything you haven't had for so long in the time frame of a night, a week, a month).  You're body doesn't know what to do with all the foreign food since you've been eating clean for so long so it just holds on to it apparently, hence why competitors typically gain a strange amount of weight after their competition.  We all know that we are a little crazy in the head right now with our diets and goals so it's so important that Coach brings that to our attention.  We are all starting to love how we look but we also know it's not the healthiest way to live or the most functional way so we will have to find balance. I actually think Coach is super concerned about my body's reaction to the whole pizza I plan to ingest along with the molten lava chocolate cake! Only joking (kind of)!

***It was check in time today because we forgot yesterday. Coach did my weight and measurements
5.5% body fat
Coach said I am lean but he will blow me up the day of the show a good 5lbs but I probably still have 4 or so lbs to lose. We are still figuring out my body so it's not precise yet.
It's important to state that I am not starving myself. I am not carb depleting either. I am eating every 2 hours (for the most part)!


I actually slept in until 9:30am which I can't recall the last time I slept that late. I awoke with a nasty headache that made me a little lethargic but after eating and coffee, I was feeling somewhat better. I made it to the gym for a quick workout only because I was feeling so weak after 40 minutes. I did a 10 minute uphill treadmill walk and 30 minutes on the stair mill.  I was feeling like I probably needed to eat but had to check the time because I thought I ate right before I went to the gym.  I soon realized after I ate breakfast, I cleaned, did laundry and some computer work so it was over 3 hours since I had eaten when I was feeling weak.  Back home for a lunch of tilapia, green beans and yams was yummy but of course it started raining again and I found myself on the couch typing up this blog. Maybe I will make it back to the gym to do some light cardio.  I just want the sun to come out again so I can play outside.

***I weighed in at the gym today at 120.4 which is a 4lb loss from last Sunday.  I sent my Coach a text to make sure that was normal with the light amount of cardio I was doing and he stated "And you've done less cardio.  Science of the body is amazing isn't it?"  Kinda crazy is what it is.......Still trying to grasp the whole concept of less cardio=better body but I think it's true in my current situation.  I'm still in fear of waking up this coming week with a 5lb weight gain from my lack of cardio. I know I'm a little crazy but I said I would be honest on my fears and feelings. I'm also trying to look in the mirror more and accept my body as well as notice the changes. To me, I only see a more toned body but not smaller. I don't know if that's a mental block or everything just tightened in different ways. Yes some of my clothes are too big and I can wear things I would have never considered before but I am hesitant to make any purchases at this size because who knows what reality will be in a few weeks. I'm also not going to be throwing out the wide variety of sizes in my closet either.

Friday I also received my proofs from the Boudoir Shoot I did in Vegas in February.  I can't wait to get the edited versions back. Critsey Rowe did an amazing job and I'm looking forward to posting these. Here is a sneak peak unedited.

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