After hours of dealing with the car, police and insurance, I headed home to relax only to feel like I was hit by a bus when I sat down. Now this had nothing to do with the accident but it did oddly feel like the flu. Quickly, I layered on clothes, blankets, turned on the heat and lit the fire. I was on fire but freezing. I 'm sure this has happened to everyone but at the time I was pretty sure no one had ever felt this bad and nothing was going to cure me. It was all over.............until the hubby brought home some frozen yogurt (non-dairy because who likes anything milk based when sick) and I partook in the fever breaking medicine after I made him weigh it to 4 oz. My fever hadn't fried that part of my brain. Kind of neurotic but I still needed to know the caloric contents of my cheat. So I enjoyed every bite and decided to call it a night.
AHHHHH 13 hours of sleep later and I felt like a ROCKSTAR (compared to yesterday)! My stomach still wasn't 100% but energy was up for a workout. I also knew it was D day, as in body fat and weight measurements! First and foremost I had to confess my sins to Coach Doug. He was sweet enough to ask me if I was ok from my accident and then he decided to note that I was skinny (this isn't a good thing).........hmmmmm At least I don't think that was a compliment. I think he was saying he could tell I hadn't been eating my food. This man can read me like a book which is a blessing and a curse. I can't lie to him because he would know but on the flip side, he knows I'm brutally honest. I'm sure there has been plenty of times I've told Coach the torrid details of my sinister ways that have left him in awe. Hence why he tells me often that he was worried about me but now he has complete faith. It was actually HEART WARMING to hear the words "I'm proud of you" utter from his mouth today after he did my body fat at 10.2%. This was a 2% loss in 2 weeks which is pretty good but still not good enough in my head. Keep in mind I wouldn't let him get near me for body fat testing until I was 2 weeks into the diet (I will return to more stats later). Regardless, Coach Doug is an AMAZING motivator, coach and friend and I'm so thankful to have him lead me on this journey.
Since I was still a little off today, I didn't manage to get my cardio in which I feel guilty about since I didn't get it in yesterday. Good excuse with crash and stomach flu right? I won't crucify myself since I had done cardio 10 days in a row and I will hit it harder tomorrow. My diet wasn't up to par either because my stomach is still not approving of certain foods. I should enjoy the times I'm not hungry because usually I'm starving by mealtime but not today. This isn't a good thing because I need all my food to build my muscle etc. etc.
Tonight I'm finishing up a goody basket for a contest I'm starting tomorrow regarding my Facebook athletic page and my blog. I'm so excited about the contest because it keeps things interesting for me over the coming weeks. It's also an awesome gift basket to win if I do say so myself. I only wish I could win it!!:) So stay tuned for tomorrow's contest info.
Some Fun Facts-
When I first started training with Doug last March I was around 9.4% body fat
A few weeks before I went to Italy, I was 8.5% body fat
When I returned from 15 days in Italy, I was 15% body fat (now I get a lot of this was water weight from traveling)
After Italy and the holidays, I went down to 13,12.5 and now 10.2% body fat
I hate scales so I try to avoid them or I will become obsessed however it happens sometimes..........1.5 weeks ago I was 133-135lbs
Today 126lbs
It took from Jan 2-Jan 25th for me to notice any change in my body although other's noticed my face slimming and my more definition in my muscles
Now I see changes daily but talk about a frustrating 23 days!
My clothes aren't fitting any different but my body is changing!
I think about chocolate all day, every day. I might just invent an all chocolate fitness diet/lifestyle in the near future!!